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Good Faith Estimates

In compliance with the No Surprises Act/Good Faith Estimate that goes into effect January 1, 2022, all healthcare providers are required to notify clients of their Federal rights and protections against "surprise billing." This is intended to prevent healthcare consumers from receiving surprise bills, which can happen in some settings. It is unclear how this applies to mental health: however at this time, all clients who are uninsured or elect not to use their insurance, will be provided with a GFE which outlines estimated treatment costs.

This act requires that we provide written notification of fee for services. If you are uninsured or elect not to use insurance, you will receive a GFE. In general, it is difficult to predict the length of treatment for mental health care and each client. Our service fees are provided to you during inquiry and at confirmation as well as in our practice paperwork. The most common fees are $125/60 minute session and $100/45 minute session (masters level clinician) and $150/60 minute session and $125/session (doctoral level clinician).

Your total cost of services will depend upon the number of sessions you attend, your individual circumstances, and the type and amount of services that are provided to you but can be calculated by multiplying the session cost by the number of sessions attended. For example, if you are seeing a master's level clinician for 60 minute sessions bimonthly for six months, you can estimate your cost to be $125x12 = $1500 (not withstanding scheduling changes).

For questions or more information related to the GFE, visit www.cms.go/nosurprises.
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